Time has whistled by. We have been busy with getting a solo show sorted and up in Dublin. It ran from August 3-23rd and we managed to get over for the opening. It has been very exciting.

So here we are in October, and making like mad. Here are some events and exhibitions you can find R&B Ceramics at.
Until October 7th Wooburn Arts Festival is on www.wooburn.com. We have some Female figures and some Raku heads.
We are exhibiting with Dacorum and Chiltern Potters Guild at The Upstairs Gallery in Berkhamsted from October 10th-20th. www.dcpg.org.uk
Doorway Gallery are taking some pieces of work to the Edinburgh Art Fair which is on the weekend of November 17th-19th. www.artedinburghcom
London Potters (www.londonpotters.com) annual exhibition is taking place at The Morley Gallery , Westminster Bridge Road from November 20th- December 13th.
Amersham Artisans in on December 2nd at St. Michaels Church, Amersham from 10-4pm. One or both of us will be manning a table for the day.