Art in Clay, Hatfield

Busy most of Friday with "Throw a Pot" customers while Chris haggles with customers on the display
Busy most of Friday with “Throw a Pot” customers….

This year’s Art in Clay at Hatfield House has so far been blessed with sunshine and hazy blue skies. Once again I have joined a group of five potters running the “Throw a Pot” tent. For a small fee of £2 we help anyone from 2 to 92 years of age to have a go. Such fun and amazingly grateful customers. Everyone goes home with a pot, however it looks!

...but there was time for a few short breaks during the day
…but there was time for a few short breaks during the day

Hatfield House is a lovely venue for the event. The grounds are huge – we managed to get lost in the one way system on set-up day, getting on the wrong side of The Lady of the House! The exhibitor tents house the main show, however the “Throw a Pot” potters also have their own work on display.

View from the display
View from the display
Jeremy shows a customer how to make a....... can you see what it is yet?
Jeremy shows a customer how to make a……. can you see what it is yet?

I’ll be there all weekend, with Richard looking after the display. So please come and see us between10am and 5.30pm on Sat or 10am and 5pm on Sunday.

One comment

  1. Found your work to be most insightful ,like the crank clay torso’s, very well done.
    Maybe see you soon?

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